Monty is crazy busy, working our two Chicken Express stores we have in Lockhart and San Marcos. We changed over some of our management and are still in the process of hiring a couple more managers. He doesn't have much else going on right now, no time...not even for golf...can you believe it?
Evan is growing...well getting older and maybe a little longer but he is a tiny might. He will be 1 on August 15th (tears fill my eyes every time I think about this) however, he is still in 6-9 month clothes. I've been working with him on sign language since he was probably 8 or 9 months old and he still doesn't do it. Probably because he just tries to say everything instead. Here are some of the words he can say/mimic: mama, dada, mimi, baby, nana (banana), poo poo, uh oh, na na (no no), nini (which he says every time he wants milk), bye bye, ba (bath) and nigh nigh (night night). Here is a video of him saying baby! He is ready for his new brother or sister! :)
He still isn't walking yet, well on his own. He walks holding your hand, even one hand, he walks holding onto things, he walks pushing things and he stands on his own. Try to get him to walk to you and he immediately squats and crawls. He has a funny little crawl one leg bends and the other one stays straight and he uses it to push himself. It's funny but he is fast. At night it's cute because one of his legs is dirty and the other is not. He loves his bath time and gets SO excited and starts saying ba, ba and crawling towards the bathroom. His favorite book is Go Dogs. Go! I know it by heart I've read it so many times. He also likes his Binkie book and will occasionally let me read Brown Bear Brown Bear. All the others he shakes his head no and tries to close them. That is another new thing he does, shakes his head no...I think it's so cute. :)
Evan loves music and we do a Music Together class every Tuesday at 4:00pm in San Marcos. It is so much fun and he LOVES it. Here is Evan playing the guitar with the guy at our market. We always have to walk down to the market on Saturday mornings to get fresh produce and let Evan listen to the music.
Well I think I've filled you in on quite a lot. At least a lot of what Evan is doing, but he's just growing up so much and doing new things everyday. It's hard not to have a lot to share. Enjoy and have a blessed weekend!
Great job, Chelsea... it's awesome that you have taken the time to put this together. Hope we can get together soon!